“Shaakuntalam” is directed by Gunasekhar, and it is produced by his daughter Neelima. The movie’s financier and presenter, Dil Raju, is also involved in the commercial side of things.
Because Gunasekhar is asking for a significant quantity of money for the rights, satellite and other agreements for the movie have not yet been concluded.
He wants to sell the Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada satellite rights as a bundle, but the networks haven’t agreed to his asking price since it’s too costly.
Producer Dil Raju, however, wants to finalise all non-theatrical partnerships before the movie’s premiere since he doesn’t want to take any chances. The movie will be shown in theatres on April 14.
Now that Samantha has become a well-known figure throughout all of India, Gunasekhar is asking for a significant sum of money. The genre of the movie is not appealing to younger audiences, so the channels are reluctant to purchase the rights.
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