Thalapathy Leo, directed by South Indian sensation Lokesh Kanagaraj, is Vijay’s next theatrical release. This is Vijay and Lokesh’s second collaboration after Master. The director recently attended an event where he was asked a few questions about Leo.
Lokesh was asked to comment on the term “Bloody Sweet,” which was used by the Leo team in the title release video. Lokesh stated that, similar to the “Aarambiklaangla” dialogue (Ika Modhalu Pedadhama in Telugu) in Vikram, the Bloody Sweet dialogue would appear at a critical juncture in Leo and should be seen in theatres.
When asked about the film, Lokesh stated, “Leo will be a full-fledged action entertainer.” Lokesh also revealed that the film was completed in 60 days of shooting and that it would take another 60 days to complete. Trisha plays the female lead in the Seven Screen Studio film Leo. It will be released in multiple languages on October 19, 2023.
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