The Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) premiered the first episode of “Congress Files” on Sunday, accusing the Congress party of corruption and scams throughout its 70-year history in India.
The video, which was posted on the BJP’s official Twitter account, claimed that the Congress party stole Rs 48,20,69,00,000 from the public during its tenure, money that could have been used for security and development.
According to the episode, Congress’s 10-year rule from 2004 to 2014 was a “Lost Decade.”
According to the video, Manmohan Singh led the government and turned a blind eye to the corruption that occurred during his tenure.
It went on to list various scams that occurred during Congress’s rule, including the Coal scam, the 2G Spectrum scam, the MNREGA scam, the Commonwealth scam, and bribery in the helicopter deal with Italy and the Chairman of the Railway Board.
The video concluded with the BJP claiming that this was only a trailer for the Congress’s corruption and that there would be more episodes to come.
The Congress party had previously attacked the BJP over the Adani issue, releasing a series of questions as part of the “Hum Adani Ke Hain Kaun” campaign.
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