In April of this year, Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, and Deepika Padukone will film the songs for filmmaker Atlee’s Jawan. The songs have been thoughtfully selected and assembled with the conviction that they have the potential to become chart-toppers.
These chart-toppers will probably help the movie become successful since, according to reports, the songs have very catchy melodies. The group will attempt to record two tracks in April. SRK and Nayanthara will be in Mumbai the first week of April filming the first song for the Anirudh-composed Jawan.
Atlee is the director of the movie, which seems to be his big break into Hindi cinema.
An informant claims that the cast would start filming the second song during the second week of April after the first song is completed.
Shah Rukh Khan will be joined by Deepika Padukone for this song. The sources said that the song would be recorded on April 15 and that would mark the completion of Jawan’s soundtrack. According to reports, Atlee, SRK, and Aniruddh have trimmed their options down to just two songs after much consideration.
Jawan is scheduled to hit theatre by June 2 and features Vijay Sethupathi in a negative lead role. He will be seen along with Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, Yogi Babu and Sanya Malhotra. Jawan marks the return of SRK to the big screen after Pathaan. Deepika is believed to be making a cameo appearance in the film.